Open your heart to our rabbits

Get involved

Open your heart and/or home to our rescue rabbits and small animals

There are many ways you can help our rescue rabbits and small animals:

Adopt a Rescue Rabbit or Small Animal

Please adopt, don't shop!
A sad but mathematical fact is that for every animal we breed or buy, there is a pound animal that dies.

Deciding to adopt an animal entails a major commitment (10+ years for rabbits) and prior research is necessary to assess whether the animal, breed etc... are suited to your lifestyle, finances and availability.

Pounds and animal shelters are overflowing with perfectly adoptable animals (including purebred and juvenile) which have very often been purchased on impulse from a pet shop (or from a backyard breeder through an add in Gumtree or equivalent) without any prior research or adequate information from the seller about the care and commitment the animal requires.

Another category of prime pound candidates are animals offered as presents for Christmas, Easter, etc... on the spur of the moment, without adequate consideration, and often without having consulted the recipient or family.

Because of overpopulation in pounds, some of these animals find themselves on death row through no fault of their own or at risk of ending as dog bait or food and this is where rescues like Rescue Rabbit come in.

If you are considering adopting a recue rabbit or small animal, we recommend you read our rabbit care page before requesting an adoption application so that you can make an informed decision.

Adoption applications will be carefully considered to make sure potential homes are suitable and adopters best suited to our rescue animals' personality and needs.

Should you be a first time rabbit/small animal adopter, drop us an email and we will be more than happy to provide information and advice.

Once your application has been approved, there will be a meet and greet where you and your family come and meet the adoptable rescue rabbits and small animals.

Foster a Rescue Rabbit

If you would like to become a foster carer and have some of our residents share your life as an indoor family member, please contact us at (subject "FOSTER") and we will supply more details about fostering. Then if you decide to proceed, we will email you a fostering application form.

Sponsor a Rescue Rabbit

All our resident are available for sponsorship.
Simply click on the "sponsor" button on the pet's page.

Become a Rescue Rabbit volunteer

Rescue work is more than a full time job and we always welcome volunteers!
You can volunteer your time and/or our skills, become a Rescue Rabbit driver, baker, fundraiser, artist or crafts maker, the possibilities are endless!

Fundraise for Rescue Rabbit

Help us fundraise for our residents.

Partnership with Supppliers

Coming soon!

Donate goods

Newspapers, paper towels, Kitten/Cat Revolution, Cat Advantage, towels, fresh green vegies carriers and playpens are always in high demand at the rescue!

Donate funds

PayPal or direct deposit options coming soon.

Coming soon!

Shop at the Rescue Rabbit Shop

Where 100% of the proceeds go towards the care of our rescue rabbits and small animals.
Shop and help rescue bunnies!

We are currently stocking:
  • Burgess rabbit and guinea pig Pellets (UK) which come highly recommended by veterinarians, made with natural ingredients, high in fibre (around 35-40%) , safe to chew and loved by all our resident foodies!
  • Vetafarm Rabbit and Cavy Origins pellets, fescue hay and Criticare (recovery food) made in Australia with fresh local ingredients! Highly palatable and very safe to chew on, the Origins pellets are to be fed in moderation and in conjunction with hay as they have a lower fiber content (16%).
Coming soon:
  • Rosewood rabbit and guinea pig accessories as well as Rosewood Naturals cold pressed conservation meadow hay pellets (containing 40 different types of grass!) and treats.
  • Rabbit and hare art.
  • Animal postcards and colouring books, cards and calendars by local artists.

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