Open your heart to our rabbits

Quick Rabbit Facts

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  • There are many colours, shapes, and sizes of bunnies. Some have upright ears, short ears, long ears or lop ears (hanging ears)
  • There are many breeds of bunnies, from Giants to Dwarfs and their different breeds. We do not support a specific breed, and we discourage breeding. There are wonderful mixes of bunnies with great immunities available all over.
  • Bunnies can easily live to 12 years for standard sizes and dwarfs and 8 years for giants.
  • Bunnies are NOT starter pets, and not suitable for young children.
  • Bunnies are expensive as they need specific vets.
  • Bunnies are a serious commitment and require a responsible owner.
  • Bunnies can mourn an owner just like they mourn a partner taken from them.
  • Bunnies can each poop up to 250 little balls per day!
  • Bunnies can be easily litter trained to use a little box.
  • Bunnies cannot just be put together in one space. They will fight; they need to be bonded.
  • Bunnies back teeth never stop growing.
  • Bunnies need a pile of hay/grass the same size as their body per day to keep the back teeth trimmed and get enough fiber.
  • Bunnies make very good indoor pets, but your rooms must be bunny-proofed as they will gnaw on wood and will chew on cables. Esp. internet cables and chargers cables. Bunnies love that!
  • Bunnies need toys and boredom breakers to keep them occupied. Preferably wooden, hay and other natural toys. Hard baby plastic toys are OK if they cannot chew pieces off. tissue paper innner cardboard rolls and cardboard boxed with various openings are good if your bunny does not swallow it, so keep a lookout for that.
  • Dumped domestic bunnies cannot survive well in the wild. They do not cope with the stress and danger and will be run over, chased, caught in snares, poached and eaten.
  • Bunnies need space to run and play, and will not be happy in only a hutch or cage.
  • Never flip your bunny over fully on its back - or they will get TRANCED - A state where their heart and mind shuts down. This is a natural instinct as they are prey animals, and their body does this to prevent them from full terror when a predator flips them over to rip out their gut. Do not be a predator to your bunny. The head must always be at least 45 degrees above the bum if you need to flip them over.
  • Most bunnies do not like to be picked up but like you to sit on their level and cuddle them.
  • Bunnies should never be picked up by the legs, ears or tail.
  • Never pull a bunny's tail as its skin may tear.
  • If you pick up a bunny incorrectly, it can kick so hard that it can break its own back. This is one of the reasons why bunnies are not suitable for small children.
  • There is a specific way to pick up a bunny: one hand beneath the bum and one hand beneath the chest, and bring the bunny close to your chest for support; so they can feel safe.
  • Never scream at your bunny, or raise your voice close to your bunny. Talk calmly but assertively if they are naughty.
  • Never play music too loudly close to your bunny - their ears are even more sensitive than dogs'.
  • Bunnies that do not eat or poop can die in 8 hours - it is called stasis and it can be deadly. Monitor your bunny's eating and pooping as often as possible and make sure your bunny always has food available. Stasis can be caused by many things, including trauma, surgery, fright, stress, or other underlying illnesses The main reason is PAIN - when your bunny stops eating, pain medication should be given immediately while you get your bunny to a rabbit savvy vet to determine why she/he is in pain.
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