Open your heart to our rabbits

The Happy Rabbit

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What influences your rabbit's Happiness?

A Happy rabbit is a healthy rabbit!

Happy rabbits explore, they will run around and binky (long jumps where their bodies twist), do little popcorns (small jumps straight up), and will dig and play and roll in the sand or grass. They will come for nose rubs or head rubs, and will give kisses back! They may lie splooted (with their back legs long out), they may flop on their side and relax or they may lie on their side and sleep so deep you think they are dead! (called a dead bunny flop, and have given many owners near heart attacks) Just like happy humans, they feel good and therefore their immune system will be stronger and they will be less prone to bouts of stasis and other issues.
A rabbit that does not feel safe will not be happy or trusting. Rabbits in confined spaces are not happy as they cannot run and jump, and rabbits that are scared or anxious may go into stasis faster than normal rabbits.

So, what can you do to make your rabbit a happier bun? He has space, he has all the best food and hay, he trusts you but he is not happy…
Is your bun alone, or in a clan that does not accept him fully? Just like people, rabbits will get depressed if they are alone for a long time. They will also be unhappy if they are bullied or fought with.

Does your bun have a sensory problem? If your rabbit does not hear or see as it should, he will be tenser than a normal bunny. Deaf bunnies will only run if they SEE their owner or partner, while Blind bunnies will only play and be happy if they can HEAR or smell their partner or trusted owner. See how your bun reacts to sounds and light. Sometimes it is not only a lack of hearing but too sensitive hearing as well. Like humans, rabbits may have sensory perception anomalies, and may experience a sound in a much more intense way than others, or light or smells may be much too strong and the rabbit may hide away from them. Because rabbits rely on their senses as prey animals, they will take easier flight if these senses are not then toned down. Loud music is an example of sounds that rabbits will not be able to handle. Some hate the noise of trains, hooters, even people talking if it is not the voices of people that they know.

Always look at your bunnies ears, and at his pose to see if he is happy or scared, or relaxed or cowering.
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